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Using multiple id="foo" in one document&validation 3

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Jan 18, 2002
Line 29, column 10: ID "title" already defined (explain...).
<div id="title">Mother, Not Mother</div><hr class="books" /><br />
Line 24, column 10: ID "title" first defined here (explain...).
<div id="title">Now You Care</div><hr class="books" /><br />

That's the error message I get. Now it's just a quick cut&paste to fix in my css, but I thought you could reuse id styles in the same page. Am I missing something?
Right, but maybe this is inefficient, but I have multiple paragraphs and each paragraph have many of the same attributes so I create an id style and go from there. But the paragraphs also have attributes that make them unique so I give each of them a different class. So my structure looks something like this:

<div id="para" class="para1">
paragraph 1 text

<div id="para" class="para2">
paragraph 2 text


I should just use a class when I use an id and an id when a class? Thanks.
You have made the correct deduction :)

You can also use tags in the CSS

DIV {}
P {}

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Yeah, I knew you could use tags in CSS, but thanks just the same, stormbind. I've been using CSS for a long time now, but only starting validating my sites recently. It's going to be tough to reverse my way of thinking. Thanks again.
I have multiple paragraphs and each paragraph have many of the same attributes so I create an id style and go from there. But the paragraphs also have attributes that make them unique so I give each of them a different class..."

You've just got it the wrong way round. The things that make an element unique should be given an id, as an id uniquely identifies a single element on your page. Properties that you want to assign to several elements should be attached to a class, as a class classifies several elements.

Having said that, and as you've probably noticed, most browsers will cope with the same id being mentioned twice - but it's sensible not to rely on them always doing so.

-- Chris Hunt
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