I want to place some of my data tables on another drive, then the one defaulted to during my Win/XP installation. there are multiple options:
1. give up and use the default folder set up in mysql\data
2. do 1. above and place special data on drive x:\myfolder
3. do 2. above but have data on multiple drives for
different queries or even joins of tables in
different drives & folders.
All the texts I look at say it is beyond the scope of that text & to look in MYSQL document. The standard MYSQL document is over 700 pages. I do not want to print it all out and have been unsuccessful in key word searches to find the specific text.
Any quick help out there?
Thanks in advance
Computer thought: I teach a lot of programming so I can learn. You can never learn it all.
1. give up and use the default folder set up in mysql\data
2. do 1. above and place special data on drive x:\myfolder
3. do 2. above but have data on multiple drives for
different queries or even joins of tables in
different drives & folders.
All the texts I look at say it is beyond the scope of that text & to look in MYSQL document. The standard MYSQL document is over 700 pages. I do not want to print it all out and have been unsuccessful in key word searches to find the specific text.
Any quick help out there?
Thanks in advance
Computer thought: I teach a lot of programming so I can learn. You can never learn it all.