On our company intranet we use the following to get the NT user name and display it on the default page
please could someone explain to me how I can use this data in a session variable for use on other pages.
At the moment we use something similar to the following to filter what different users can see based on their username
What we would like to do is open a recordset to a datbase that has the username and categories stored, each user will have a different value for the category then we could use
I hope I have explained this OK
any help would be appreciated
On our company intranet we use the following to get the NT user name and display it on the default page
UserName = (ucase(Request.ServerVariables("LOGON_USER")))
UserName = Replace(UserName, "DOMAINNAME\","")
please could someone explain to me how I can use this data in a session variable for use on other pages.
At the moment we use something similar to the following to filter what different users can see based on their username
IF Username = "POLIVER" Then
<a class="nav" href="ITMainFrame.asp" target="ITmainFrame" >IT Home</a>
<a class="nav" href="LabelProblems.asp" target="ITmainFrame">Labels</a>
<a class="nav" href="Links.asp" target="ITmainFrame">Links</a>
<% elseif UserName = "JDOE" OR UserName = "DDUCK" Then %>
<a class="nav" href="ITMainFrame.asp" target="ITmainFrame" >IT Home</a>
<a class="nav" href="Links.asp" target="ITmainFrame">Links</a>
<a class="nav" href="ITMainFrame.asp" target="ITmainFrame" >IT Home</a>
<%end if%>
What we would like to do is open a recordset to a datbase that has the username and categories stored, each user will have a different value for the category then we could use
IF Category = 1 Then
any help would be appreciated