Some part numbers provided by different vendors are similar but may have a vendor specific prefix or suffix added for their unique purposes.
I want to compare vendor specific part numbers against generic named stock numbers currently held in stock...looking for matched items.
Would the following approach work ?
IF {vendor.part_num} LIKE '*' + {stock.part_num} + '*' THEN 1 ELSE 0
I will be able test this formula soon but wondering if the logic is correct and if perhaps there are other ways to do this task.
I want to compare vendor specific part numbers against generic named stock numbers currently held in stock...looking for matched items.
Would the following approach work ?
IF {vendor.part_num} LIKE '*' + {stock.part_num} + '*' THEN 1 ELSE 0
I will be able test this formula soon but wondering if the logic is correct and if perhaps there are other ways to do this task.