I am attemping to use DatePart("YYYY",Now());DatePart("YYYY",Now())-1 etc to set the Row Source property of a List Box. Is there any way to write this function in designer or do I have to use a callback or some other functionality?
Function ListYears(fld As Control, id As Variant, _
row As Variant, col As Variant, code As Variant) _
As Variant
Dim intOffset As Integer
Select Case code
Case acLBInitialize ' Initialize
ListYears = True
Case acLBOpen ' Open
ListYears = Timer ' Unique ID
Case acLBGetRowCount ' Get rows
ListYears = 2
Case acLBGetColumnCount ' Get columns
ListYears = 1
Case acLBGetColumnWidth ' Get column width
ListYears = -1 ' Use default width
Case acLBGetValue ' Get the data
ListYears = DatePart("YYYY", Now()) - 1 * row
End Select
End Function
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