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Using extensionless header filenames 1

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Dec 4, 2001
I use MS Visual Studio 6.0 and .NET 2003 and have an annoying problem. The environment doesn't recognize the standard extensionless header filenames, so I lose all syntax highlights that are really helpful for visual people like me.

In VS 6.0 I can force it manually and for each file (which is really clumsy) and I didn't find the option in .NET.

Anyone know how to make these two understand that the standard says no extensions at all?

In my VC6 they are highlighted OK.

Dunno about .Net version, but in the old VC6 this is managed by the file
which in my installation looks like this:
langext.dat - Map explicit filename to a language
algorithm bitset cassert cctype cerrno cfloat ciso646 climits clocale cmath complex
csetjmp csignal cstdarg cstddef cstdio cstdlib cstring ctime cwchar cwctype
deque exception fstream functional iomanip ios iosfwd iostream istream iterator
limits list locale map memory new numeric ostream queue
set sstream stack stdexcept streambuf string strstream typeinfo utility valarray vector
xcomplex xios xiosbase xlocale xlocinfo xlocmon xlocnum xloctime xmemory xstddef xstring xtree xutility


Ok, I understood what you said. That helped me to understand a bit more about how it highlights the code...

But, I'm talking about _my_headers. For example, imagine my application has a custom CInterfaceDescription class. I would have to add it to the langext.dat file? That wouldn't make sense.

I am wanting more of an option to treat _by default_ the language as C/C++. That way I can open my files and they will be detected as C++ files...

The programmers at Microsoft could copy and paste some Unix VI command code =o) Vi scans the file and detects it automagically. The "file" command also does this...

So help is still wanted!!
See MSDN, articles ID Q294704 and Q181506...
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