I'm merging an excel file of addresses into word, and sometimes the 2nd address line will be empty or null. I would like the merge to leave the line there instead of
shifting up the data. Can that be done?
So, instead of:
(excel) (result)
<<name>> Mr. NoName
<<address1>> 123 Anywhere St.
<<address2>> Anywhere, AZ 11111
It would be:
Mr. NoName
123 Anywhere St.
Anywhere, AZ 11111
Can that be done?
shifting up the data. Can that be done?
So, instead of:
(excel) (result)
<<name>> Mr. NoName
<<address1>> 123 Anywhere St.
<<address2>> Anywhere, AZ 11111
It would be:
Mr. NoName
123 Anywhere St.
Anywhere, AZ 11111
Can that be done?