My win2k PDC with SP3 and exchange 2000 SP3 crashes every 4-5 days or so. There are no events written to the event-log prior to the crash (blue screen), that is, neither in the system-log nor in the application-log. There seem to be no certain activity prior to the crash that could be causing this. Therefore I wonder if the memory dump-file (%systemroot%\MEMORY.DMP) may contain the information I need to troubleshoot the crash, and if there are any utilities that can be used to render the contents of this file, or perhaps "interpret" the contents of it?
I will also be greatful for any other advice as to how I may troubleshoot this bluescreen-issue, when no log-entries are written prior to it.
I will also be greatful for any other advice as to how I may troubleshoot this bluescreen-issue, when no log-entries are written prior to it.