I have a Tk app that contains little more than a text widget:
Then I have another Tk app that is supposed to display a string (tagged) in the first app's text widget:
When I run the receiving app and the sending app, nothing happens when I press the button. However, if I show the console on the sending app and type in the exact same comand: $target insert end $sndstr\n $counter, after making sure the variables are set, the string is properly displayed in the target text widget.
Can anyone see why the GUI command isn't working?
Bob Rashkin
package require dde
dde servername receiving
pack [frame .f1] -side top
pack [text .f1.t1] -side top
Then I have another Tk app that is supposed to display a string (tagged) in the first app's text widget:
package require dde
dde servername sending
foreach f {1 2 3} {pack [frame .$f] -side left}
pack [label .1.l1 -text "string to send"] -side top
pack [entry .2.e1 -textvariable sndstr] -side top
pack [button .3.b1 -text send -command {set counter [ddeSend $counter $sndstr]}
set counter 1
set sndstr "data from sender"
proc ddeSend {counter sndstr} {
set target .f1.t1
dde execute TclEval receiving {$target insert end $sndstr\n $counter}
incr counter
return $counter
When I run the receiving app and the sending app, nothing happens when I press the button. However, if I show the console on the sending app and type in the exact same comand: $target insert end $sndstr\n $counter, after making sure the variables are set, the string is properly displayed in the target text widget.
Can anyone see why the GUI command isn't working?
Bob Rashkin