Had few queries related to dbms_connection_pool (have not used it earlier).
a) I am using PL/SQL developer for writing SQLs/procedures etc. I[highlight #FCE94F]f dbms_connection_pool.start pool is executed, will it affect the PL/SQL developer as well (if I haven't done any changes in the TNSNAMES.ora - i.e. not added this line "SERVER = POOLED").
Do I need to make the change in the TNSNAMES.ora for using PL/SQL developer or should modify the TNSNAMES.ora?[/highlight]
b) Now for our PHP developers who use oracle - [highlight #FCE94F]Is it necessary to modify TNSNAMES.ora or by modifying the PHP code (connect string) will take care of connection pooling?[/highlight]
Had few queries related to dbms_connection_pool (have not used it earlier).
a) I am using PL/SQL developer for writing SQLs/procedures etc. I[highlight #FCE94F]f dbms_connection_pool.start pool is executed, will it affect the PL/SQL developer as well (if I haven't done any changes in the TNSNAMES.ora - i.e. not added this line "SERVER = POOLED").
Do I need to make the change in the TNSNAMES.ora for using PL/SQL developer or should modify the TNSNAMES.ora?[/highlight]
b) Now for our PHP developers who use oracle - [highlight #FCE94F]Is it necessary to modify TNSNAMES.ora or by modifying the PHP code (connect string) will take care of connection pooling?[/highlight]