I am using CRXI against SQL server tables.
I am using an ODBC command as my data source, as -LB suggested in thread767-1523885. It seems to be working correctly. Now, I am trying to figure out how to use the parameters using the command option.
Let's say I have 2 tables: Hair and Sales.
The Hair table looks like this.
The Sales table looks like this.
I have a left-outer-join
Hair.Color ----> Sales.Salesperson_Hair_Color. This will establish my hair color groups and allow me to see all hair colors, even if the join produces a null or zero.
How do I run the report for each Sales.Sale_Item_Category? One report per category (Fruit, Clothing, Electronics). I want to define the Sales.Sale_Item_Category(s) I want to see reported on. In other words, I know which Sale_Item_Category(s) I want to be passed as parameters. I want to run one report, using a pre-defined list of Sale_Item_Category(s) that will generate a seperate report for each pre-defined Sale_Item_Category.
Any suggestions?
Thank you for your time,
I am using an ODBC command as my data source, as -LB suggested in thread767-1523885. It seems to be working correctly. Now, I am trying to figure out how to use the parameters using the command option.
Let's say I have 2 tables: Hair and Sales.
The Hair table looks like this.
ID Color
1 Black
2 Brown
3 Blonde
4 Red
5 Grey
The Sales table looks like this.
ID Date of Sale Salesperson Salesperson_Hair_Color Sale_item Sale_Item_Category
1 2/4/2008 John Brown Apple Fruit
2 2/5/2008 Mary Black Orange Fruit
3 4/8/2008 Bill Blonde Hat Clothing
4 7/6/2008 Jen Brown Apple Fruit
5 9/5/2008 Tim Black Shirt Clothing
6 9/13/2008 Lisa Blonde Radio Electronics
7 9/22/2008 Dave Grey Gloves Clothing
8 10/3/2008 Bill Blonde Calculater Electronics
9 11/22/2008 John Brown Orange Fruit
10 12/3/2008 Mary Black Radio Electronics
I have a left-outer-join
Hair.Color ----> Sales.Salesperson_Hair_Color. This will establish my hair color groups and allow me to see all hair colors, even if the join produces a null or zero.
How do I run the report for each Sales.Sale_Item_Category? One report per category (Fruit, Clothing, Electronics). I want to define the Sales.Sale_Item_Category(s) I want to see reported on. In other words, I know which Sale_Item_Category(s) I want to be passed as parameters. I want to run one report, using a pre-defined list of Sale_Item_Category(s) that will generate a seperate report for each pre-defined Sale_Item_Category.
Any suggestions?
Thank you for your time,