Good morning everybody! 
Does anybody know how to filter records in a spreadsheet using the value selected in a comboBox?
At the moment I have 2 worksheets in my workbook. One contains data (records) and the other one has calculations on it. I have several comboBoxes on the calculations workbook, which I would like to use to help the user filter the data on 1 or both of the workbooks (I'd prefer if it filtered the records on the data sheet, as it's not as important for the calculations).
I would like to filter the records by dates (either month or year, it's a case of getting one working and then the others shouldn't be so bad). I have data in the comboBox done as follows:
DateMonth = Array("01", "02", "03", "04", "05", "06", "07", "08", "09", "10", "11", "12"
For i = LBound(DateMonth) To UBound(DateMonth)
Worksheets("Equations & Formulae"
.ComboBox1.AddItem DateMonth(i)
Next i
Unfortunately the month is within a date (i.e. "dd/mm/yyyy"
How do I compare the comboBox value with the month within the date?
Your help is very much appreciated. Any more information wanted just let me know. Thank you
Does anybody know how to filter records in a spreadsheet using the value selected in a comboBox?
At the moment I have 2 worksheets in my workbook. One contains data (records) and the other one has calculations on it. I have several comboBoxes on the calculations workbook, which I would like to use to help the user filter the data on 1 or both of the workbooks (I'd prefer if it filtered the records on the data sheet, as it's not as important for the calculations).
I would like to filter the records by dates (either month or year, it's a case of getting one working and then the others shouldn't be so bad). I have data in the comboBox done as follows:
DateMonth = Array("01", "02", "03", "04", "05", "06", "07", "08", "09", "10", "11", "12"
For i = LBound(DateMonth) To UBound(DateMonth)
Worksheets("Equations & Formulae"
Next i
Unfortunately the month is within a date (i.e. "dd/mm/yyyy"
How do I compare the comboBox value with the month within the date?
Your help is very much appreciated. Any more information wanted just let me know. Thank you