Does using clint give you any faster updates compaired to using CMS in terminal emulator?
Someone at our company created a "home grown" application that screen scrapes real-time reports in CMS (using terminal emulator). But, if you've read some of my other posts, we are experiencing lag in real-time reports (which we are working on resolving).
However, this application is used to alert agents with a screen-pop if calls are waiting in queue too long, so it needs to have the ability to get these reports without lag as much as possible. I know all about q-lamps on phones, or using wall boards, or desktop wallboards, don't get me started as to why we don't use them. >:-<
- Stinney
Favorite all too common vendor responses: "We've never seen this issue before." AND "No one's ever wanted to use it like that before.
Someone at our company created a "home grown" application that screen scrapes real-time reports in CMS (using terminal emulator). But, if you've read some of my other posts, we are experiencing lag in real-time reports (which we are working on resolving).
However, this application is used to alert agents with a screen-pop if calls are waiting in queue too long, so it needs to have the ability to get these reports without lag as much as possible. I know all about q-lamps on phones, or using wall boards, or desktop wallboards, don't get me started as to why we don't use them. >:-<
- Stinney
Favorite all too common vendor responses: "We've never seen this issue before." AND "No one's ever wanted to use it like that before.