I have built a login page via ASP. Once logged in you are taken to the admin page which displays all of the users in the database. At the bottom of the user table(which lists all the users & their login info), there are three buttons, add, edit, delete. I am running into a bit of trouble with the buttons and would like to know if perhaps it would be easier to use text links? To be very honest, I have never used buttons for specific functions within ASP.
Can someone please help me with the concept of how best to tackle this? In other words, shall I add the buttons' functions as variables at the beginning of all my asp code? Or is it easier to do just add text links and write separate pages of code to perform the functions? I am trying to wrap my mind around it one bite at a time. If anyone needs to see how I am connecting to the DB here is it is:
and then I use the Response.Write statements to organize the data. I am going to go chase my tail for a while.
Can someone please help me with the concept of how best to tackle this? In other words, shall I add the buttons' functions as variables at the beginning of all my asp code? Or is it easier to do just add text links and write separate pages of code to perform the functions? I am trying to wrap my mind around it one bite at a time. If anyone needs to see how I am connecting to the DB here is it is:
set Con = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Con.Open "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=" & Server.MapPath("db/logins.mdb")
SQL = "SELECT * FROM cust_logins"
set rec=Con.execute(sql)
and then I use the Response.Write statements to organize the data. I am going to go chase my tail for a while.