I am using aspx to send a XML request to an ‘engine’ which will send me back a response:
Dim sRequest
Dim sServerNode
Dim URLEncoder
Dim result
‘**** XML Data ****
sRequest = "<eLoginRequest ClientType='Win32' CurrentSAP='0' Locale='eng'><FieldInputList><FieldInput Field='username'>Richard</FieldInput><FieldInput Field='password'>D41D8CD98F00B204E9800998ECF8427E</FieldInput></FieldInputList></eLoginRequest>"
sServerNode = "<Engine Name='Engine'><Transport Type='DCOM'><Server>localhost</Server></Transport></Engine>"
‘**** Engine URL ****
url = "
xmlhttp = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
xmlhttp.open ("Get", url, false)
xmlhttp.send ("ServerNode=" & Server.URLEncode(sServerNode) & "&Request=" & Server.URLEncode(sRequest))
**** Writes the XML response to the page *****
Response.write (xmlhttp.responseText)
**** To be used to get the XML Attributes *****
xmlDoc= xmlhttp.responseXML
The XML Response sent back is:
<eLoginResponse Timestamp="2011-03-31T16:01:24" SessionID="BCFEC70C-55CD-45A2-A34C-60301EEB7D5C" OldestDeletion="2011-03-21T21:31:10" UserID="Richard"><ClientData/></eLoginResponse>
What I want to do is display the attribute: ‘SessionID’ on the screen, either assign the session ID value to a variable or to a text box value. So far I am using the code below but I am stuck on how this can be done:
dim xmlDoc
dim i
xmlDoc= xmlhttp.responseXML
dim x = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("SessionID")
The code above will print the following to the screen: System.__ComObject
I have also tried using x.xmlObj.childNodes(0).getAttribute("SessionID") but I get the following error: Identifier expected.
Dim sRequest
Dim sServerNode
Dim URLEncoder
Dim result
‘**** XML Data ****
sRequest = "<eLoginRequest ClientType='Win32' CurrentSAP='0' Locale='eng'><FieldInputList><FieldInput Field='username'>Richard</FieldInput><FieldInput Field='password'>D41D8CD98F00B204E9800998ECF8427E</FieldInput></FieldInputList></eLoginRequest>"
sServerNode = "<Engine Name='Engine'><Transport Type='DCOM'><Server>localhost</Server></Transport></Engine>"
‘**** Engine URL ****
url = "
xmlhttp = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
xmlhttp.open ("Get", url, false)
xmlhttp.send ("ServerNode=" & Server.URLEncode(sServerNode) & "&Request=" & Server.URLEncode(sRequest))
**** Writes the XML response to the page *****
Response.write (xmlhttp.responseText)
**** To be used to get the XML Attributes *****
xmlDoc= xmlhttp.responseXML
The XML Response sent back is:
<eLoginResponse Timestamp="2011-03-31T16:01:24" SessionID="BCFEC70C-55CD-45A2-A34C-60301EEB7D5C" OldestDeletion="2011-03-21T21:31:10" UserID="Richard"><ClientData/></eLoginResponse>
What I want to do is display the attribute: ‘SessionID’ on the screen, either assign the session ID value to a variable or to a text box value. So far I am using the code below but I am stuck on how this can be done:
dim xmlDoc
dim i
xmlDoc= xmlhttp.responseXML
dim x = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("SessionID")
The code above will print the following to the screen: System.__ComObject
I have also tried using x.xmlObj.childNodes(0).getAttribute("SessionID") but I get the following error: Identifier expected.