I have a table which has "userID" column,"VZID" column and "level" column.I have to display userId whose level=3 and VZID whose level=1 in the same report.
Since I can't have a global filter on the report I am trying to do this filtering in the userId attribute and VZID attribute editor itself.
I am using applysimply("(#0 where #1=3)",userId) for the userID attribute.
It's generating the Query but failing to executeing the report.
Can any one tell me if this is the right way to do?
Thank You
Since I can't have a global filter on the report I am trying to do this filtering in the userId attribute and VZID attribute editor itself.
I am using applysimply("(#0 where #1=3)",userId) for the userID attribute.
It's generating the Query but failing to executeing the report.
Can any one tell me if this is the right way to do?
Thank You