I need guidance in planning a web server. I'm currently running IIS5 for intranet applications, but we are about to branch out to allow internet access. I dont have the money for MS Proxy or anything like that. Can someone give me a detailed plan of what I can/should do. I need to run ASP pages. I need a Proxy server with two nic cards, one external and one internal address. Can the proxy be an Apache Server to do basic proxy/firewall service, and can I still keep my IIS server to do the WEB Server stuff? Is the Apache Proxy Server a different product from Apache Web Server or is it an add-on? Any help would be appreciated. I have never put together a project like this and as much information/detail about how it "should" be done to do it right would be appreciated. I've read a lot of "technical" papers/faqs etc. but now i need the nuts and bolts of what to use and how to hook it up, etc..
thanks for any assistance...
thanks for any assistance...