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Using Access Objects in VB

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Jul 13, 2001
How do i use the docmd in vb. I have an Access table, and I want to use the DoCmd.TransferText. I set a reference to Microsoft Access Object Library, . But don't know what to do next. Below is the code I have so far, but nothing is imported.

Dim IndexDb As Database
strDBName = "LCC" & Format(Now, "yyyymmdd")
OpenDatabase = "C:\Test\" & strDBName ".mdb"
DoCmd.TransferText acImportFixed, "ImportSpec", "Import", "C:\Index.txt", False, ""
Name "C:\Index.txt" As "C:\Index.done"
Here is a sample of a command button that exports a table to excel. It is very similar and should give you some pointers. I've used the common dialog control to allow the user to select the path to export to, so that really has nothing to do with the export itself. Hope this helps

Dim strFileName As String
'export mailinglist table to excel
Dim MyApp As New Access.Application
On Error GoTo ErrHand
With CDExport
.CancelError = True
.Flags = cdlOFNOverwritePrompt + cdlOFNPathMustExist
.Filter = "Microsoft Excel Files (*.xls)|*.xls"
.FileName = ""
.DialogTitle = "Select Location for Export"
strFileName = .FileName
End With
MyApp.OpenCurrentDatabase strPath
MyApp.DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel9, "ExportMailingList", _

Set MyApp = Nothing
MsgBox "Export Completed.", vbOKOnly + vbApplicationModal + vbInformation, "Export Data"
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