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Using a Where Clause in a Class Module - ADO

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Apr 4, 2001
I have something weird happening.

I have a class that has a statement like so (shortened for this purpose)

Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Dim sSQL As String
Dim db As Connection
Set db = New Connection

db.CursorLocation = adUseClient
db.Open "PROVIDER=MSDataShape;Data PROVIDER=MSDASQL;dsn=" & DSN & ";uid=" & USERID & ";pwd=" & PASSWORD & ";"

Set adoPrimaryRS = New Recordset

sSQL = "SHAPE {select Company_Code,Product_Code,Insertion_Order_Number, from Order "

If frmBuys.txtfields(18).Text <> &quot;&quot; Then
sSQL = sSQL & &quot; where Product_Code = '&quot; & Trim (frmOrder.txtfields(18).Text) & &quot;' &quot;
End If

sSQL = sSQL & &quot; where Product_Code = 'CHIC'&quot;
sSQL = sSQL & &quot;} AS ParentCMD APPEND &quot;
sSQL = sSQL & &quot;({select Insertion_Order_Number, Run_Date etc.... from OrderDetail Order by Run_Date } AS ChildCMD RELATE Insertion_Order_Number TO Insertion_Order_Number) AS ChildCMD&quot;
adoPrimaryRS.Open sSQL, db, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic

DataMembers.Add &quot;Primary&quot;
DataMembers.Add &quot;Secondary&quot;

End Sub

Now in my main form I took this logic out of Form_Load and did the following

If vbKeyReturn = KeyAscii Then

Set PrimaryCLS = New clsBuys

Dim oText As TextBox
'Bind the text boxes to the data provider
For Each oText In Me.txtfields
oText.DataMember = &quot;Primary&quot;
Set oText.DataSource = PrimaryCLS
grdDataGrid.DataMember = &quot;Secondary&quot;
Set grdDataGrid.DataSource = PrimaryCLS
Call LoadGrid

End If

So basically, I want the user to type something in the product_code field and bring back only those records that match.

Strange thing is:

1) First time I hit enter, the value doesn't seem to pass to the class. But on 2nd attempt it works.
2) First time I hit enter, it does actually retrieve the FULL recordset(disregards the select) and repaints a blank form over top. (if I close the form after the first enter, there is another instance of the form with the full recordset).

I hope this makes sense....Any ideas on what is going on???
Could it be a timing/sync issue. If you single step, does it work?
I step through, and maybe I am dense, but I can't figure out what is going on.
OK, strike that....I see what it is doing, but now don't know what to do.

Class initialize is hit before anything else is available to the class (referenced/passed variables).

So I guess I need to move my select out of my Where clause.
Any help?

Also starting to think that using a class module and a standard header/detail form was a bad idea. Alternative suggestions? Is there anywhere with solid examples I can look at?

Have you tried creating a class method to create the recordset?
This would be run after class initialize and give you more control. I often use a class to provide access to data tables and have methods for Open, Close, Validate etc. I rarely use the initialze event.
Incidentally, the Wrox book on VB6 Database development provides a generic table maintenance routine based on and routed through classes. I've used this a lot and it is very handy.
Thanks for your suggestion. I took your advice and atleast for now am OK. I really need to read up on this more. I will check out that book. Thanks Again.
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