I am trying to insert into a partitioned table while specifying the partition name.
The SQL looks like the following:
v_partition := 'ERG_GMT_'||part.gmtmonthid;
INSERT /*+ APPEND */ INTO dw.stg_erg_cdr partition (v_partition)
when this runs I get a partition does not exist error.
I put in a DBMS OUTPUT to make sure I have the correct partition name and I do....Soooooooooo any suggestions?
Thanks in advance.
The SQL looks like the following:
v_partition := 'ERG_GMT_'||part.gmtmonthid;
INSERT /*+ APPEND */ INTO dw.stg_erg_cdr partition (v_partition)
when this runs I get a partition does not exist error.
I put in a DBMS OUTPUT to make sure I have the correct partition name and I do....Soooooooooo any suggestions?
Thanks in advance.