I'm using Crystal XI R2. Here's a sample of my data set (grouped as you would see it in a report):
Quote Line QtyNo Qty UnitPrice QtyTotal
1 1 5000 5000
2 50 4500 225000
1 1 2000 2000
2 10 1500 15000
For each Quote I have multiple lines. For each Line there may be multiple price breaks (always at least one). QtyTotal is a calculated field.
I need to calculate a total for each Quote but I only want to use the MAX QtyTotal of each Line.
I can easily insert a summary:
MAX of @Total (Number)
This does select the largest QtyTotal per each Line. The problem is, when I try to insert a Summary, I can not select the "MAX of @Total (Number) field"; it does not appear in the list of selectable fields.
I thought about trying to use a running sum but it would have to reset for each Quote. I'm stuck.
Any help is much appreciated!
Quote Line QtyNo Qty UnitPrice QtyTotal
1 1 5000 5000
2 50 4500 225000
1 1 2000 2000
2 10 1500 15000
For each Quote I have multiple lines. For each Line there may be multiple price breaks (always at least one). QtyTotal is a calculated field.
I need to calculate a total for each Quote but I only want to use the MAX QtyTotal of each Line.
I can easily insert a summary:
MAX of @Total (Number)
This does select the largest QtyTotal per each Line. The problem is, when I try to insert a Summary, I can not select the "MAX of @Total (Number) field"; it does not appear in the list of selectable fields.
I thought about trying to use a running sum but it would have to reset for each Quote. I'm stuck.
Any help is much appreciated!