Is there a way that I used a simple main statement like this and then call my mfc app or a dlgbox from it?
void main(){
... // some code
myDlgBox d;
... // some code
class myApp : public CWinApp{
... // some code
class myDlgBox : public CDialog{
... // some code
The main problem come from the fact that an MFC application needs
myApp theApp;
to start... but this immediatly start the dlg... and if I don't put this line... the program crash before executing any line of the main.
void main(){
... // some code
myDlgBox d;
... // some code
class myApp : public CWinApp{
... // some code
class myDlgBox : public CDialog{
... // some code
The main problem come from the fact that an MFC application needs
myApp theApp;
to start... but this immediatly start the dlg... and if I don't put this line... the program crash before executing any line of the main.