I am using this formula:
(If {?Parameter} = "" then true
If Instr ({?Parameter}, "?" > 0 then {TABLENAME.FIELD} like {?Parameter}
If Instr ({?Parameter}, "*" > 0 then {TABLENAME.FIELD} like {?Parameter}
else {?Parameter} = {TABLENAME.FIELD})
If the user does not enter anything, then give me all. However, these partial text matches are not working quite the way I hoped. Any suggestions on what I am doing wrong here? Thanks!
(If {?Parameter} = "" then true
If Instr ({?Parameter}, "?" > 0 then {TABLENAME.FIELD} like {?Parameter}
If Instr ({?Parameter}, "*" > 0 then {TABLENAME.FIELD} like {?Parameter}
else {?Parameter} = {TABLENAME.FIELD})
If the user does not enter anything, then give me all. However, these partial text matches are not working quite the way I hoped. Any suggestions on what I am doing wrong here? Thanks!