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using a function as a query criteria 2

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Oct 12, 2005
Hi all

I have a query which uses a function to create a criteria. If I only select one item from my listbox then the query works OK applying the criteria returned by the function crit. However when I select more than one, the query returns nothing. When I print crit in the dubug window it returns a correct string eg something like: 10 or 11 or 14. If I cut and paste that into the query, it works. Is my problem something to do with syntax, speech marks perhaps?

I have this declaration in frm1_0Contractcreate module:
Public clnEngIDs As New Collection

I have this code in a class module clsEngID:
Public mstrengID As String

I have this code in frm1_0Contractcreate module under cmd1_click:
(Nb lstengIDselect is a multiselect listbox)
Dim frm as form, ctl as control, varItm as variant
Set frm = Forms!frm1_0Contractcreate
Set ctl = frm!lstengIDselect

For Each varItm In ctl.ItemsSelected
Dim inst As New clsEngID
inst.mstrengID = ctl.ItemData(varItm)
clnEngIDs.Add inst
Set inst = Nothing
Next varItm

I have this code in module1:
Public Function crit() As String
Dim inst As Variant, strSQL As String
For Each inst In Forms!frm1_0Contractcreate.clnEngIDs
strSQL = strSQL & " Or " & inst.mstrengID
strSQL = Right(strSQL, Len(strSQL) - 4)
crit = strSQL
End Function

I have this SQL in a Query1:
SELECT [Tp-Engmaster].EngID, [Tp-Engmaster].GenericEngine
FROM [Tp-Engmaster]
WHERE ((([Tp-Engmaster].EngID)=crit()));

How are ya sub5 . . .

Is it your intent to [blue]OR[/blue] the selections equivalent to . . .
[blue]WHERE (([Tp-Engmaster].EngID=12) OR ([Tp-Engmaster].EngID=20) OR ([Tp-Engmaster].EngID=12));[/blue]

See Ya! . . . . . .
Hi AceMan, top of the mornin' to ya,
yes that is my intention
....just replaced

Public Function crit() As String
Dim inst As Variant, strSQL As String
For Each inst In Forms!frm1_0Contractcreate.clnEngIDs
strSQL = strSQL & " OR " & inst.mstrengID
strSQL = Right(strSQL, Len(strSQL) - 4)
crit = strSQL
End Function


Public Function crit() As String
Dim inst As Variant, strSQL As String
For Each inst In Forms!frm1_0Contractcreate.clnEngIDs
strSQL = strSQL & " OR ([Tp-Engmaster].EngID=" & inst.mstrengID
strSQL = Right(strSQL, Len(strSQL) - 4)
crit = strSQL
End Function

But still same problem...

You may try the following.
Public Function crit() As String
Dim inst As Variant, strSQL As String
strSQL = ","
For Each inst In Forms!frm1_0Contractcreate.clnEngIDs
strSQL = strSQL & inst.mstrengID & ","
crit = strSQL
End Function

And your Query:
SELECT EngID, GenericEngine
FROM [Tp-Engmaster]
WHERE InStr(crit(), ',' & [EngID] & ',')>0;

Hope This Helps, PH.
Want to get great answers to your Tek-Tips questions? Have a look at FAQ219-2884 or FAQ181-2886
Thanks PHV, that worked a treat!
But how?
Instr is checking there is a value, right?
Say I choose two engines then crit returns ,10,11,
and what is happening in the query?
If crit() returns ",10,11," and EngID equal, say, 11 for the current row then the WHERE clause evaluates the following expression:
InStr(",10,11,", ",11,")

Hope This Helps, PH.
Want to get great answers to your Tek-Tips questions? Have a look at FAQ219-2884 or FAQ181-2886
sub5 . . .

[ol][li]PHV is packing a string.[/li]
[li]InStr returns an index to the position of the 1st character of the search string . . . if found! Zero Otherwise.[/li]
[li]The search string turns out to be (assuming [EngID]=11)
[blue]  ",11,"[/blue]
While the function returns
[blue]   ",10,11,"[/blue]
Giving a returned index by InStr of 4[/li][/ol]

See Ya! . . . . . .
That's nifty! cheers guys.
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Part and Inventory Search

