I'm running Access 2010, and what I'm trying to do is as follows.
I have a Report ("rptConsultants Sales Report") which is populated from a SQL Query ("qryReport6"). The query accesses some of its selection criteria from a form ("frmReport6") which allows the user to enter three fields; "User", "From Date", "To Date". This works absolutely fine - I run the report, the form pops-up, I enter the data and press <OK> and I'm presented with the report with the correct selection criteria applied to the data. So far, so good.
I have a second requirement which I have implemented as a Form ("frmFolderBalanceEnquiry") because I need to be able to click on the records returned and open a second form to show the details of the record selected. The primary form uses a sub-set of the data and the same selection criteria as the "rptConsultants Sales Report" so I have used the same SQL query ("qryReport6") and hence the same Form to input the selection criteria into the query. When I run the "frmFolderBalanceEnquiry" however the selection criteria form doesn't appear. Instead I get the query pop-up asking for the data for the fields,
ie "Enter Parameter Value
I'm guessing that there is a problem with trying to display a second form when one is already open, but can anyone give me a clear understanding of what is happening and how (if at all) I can get it to work?
Many thanks, Tim
I'm running Access 2010, and what I'm trying to do is as follows.
I have a Report ("rptConsultants Sales Report") which is populated from a SQL Query ("qryReport6"). The query accesses some of its selection criteria from a form ("frmReport6") which allows the user to enter three fields; "User", "From Date", "To Date". This works absolutely fine - I run the report, the form pops-up, I enter the data and press <OK> and I'm presented with the report with the correct selection criteria applied to the data. So far, so good.
I have a second requirement which I have implemented as a Form ("frmFolderBalanceEnquiry") because I need to be able to click on the records returned and open a second form to show the details of the record selected. The primary form uses a sub-set of the data and the same selection criteria as the "rptConsultants Sales Report" so I have used the same SQL query ("qryReport6") and hence the same Form to input the selection criteria into the query. When I run the "frmFolderBalanceEnquiry" however the selection criteria form doesn't appear. Instead I get the query pop-up asking for the data for the fields,
ie "Enter Parameter Value
I'm guessing that there is a problem with trying to display a second form when one is already open, but can anyone give me a clear understanding of what is happening and how (if at all) I can get it to work?
Many thanks, Tim