You know about the IE option if you know anything about browsing the Internet. You know, all of those enable/disable buttons (Java VM, Security, Javascript, and such...) and the cache memory settings. You can also access these parameters via the Start->Control Panel method.
Well my task is to come up with a solution to the following problem. I have a very complicated Java/Javascript/HTML/VBScript application which is very sensitive and needs many of the above mentioned options set a certain way. Well I know I can't accomplish my task from the server side because of security issues but does anyone have any clue how to access these options using a Client-Side application that the user would only have to run once and then their system would be able to handle the application.
Well my task is to come up with a solution to the following problem. I have a very complicated Java/Javascript/HTML/VBScript application which is very sensitive and needs many of the above mentioned options set a certain way. Well I know I can't accomplish my task from the server side because of security issues but does anyone have any clue how to access these options using a Client-Side application that the user would only have to run once and then their system would be able to handle the application.