I am very confused over WPF , C# and allowing the GUI to update.
I'm trying to create an FTP helper class based on :
I want to pop open a progress window with a progress bar to show the progress of the FTP.
The problem as I understand WPF is if you start a long running process on the GUI thread then any attempted update to the GUI will not update, so you have to use a worker process.
All examples I have found for a progress update uses an asynchronous worker process, but that doesn't make sense.
How can I have a method that returns Boolean as to the success of the FTP if the worker process called is Async?
I don't want to tie up the GUI/UI thread but I also don't want the return to the client from the method call to happen until the process either succeeded or failed.
here is what I have...
I haven't fully implemented the FTP code yet, but am stuck with understanding how I run a background worker, keeping the UI thread free so the progress bar works, but not retuning from the FTP.Put() method until the background work has finished?
I cannot see a "RunWorkerSynch" method, to run it synchronously, so am I using the wrong type of worker thread?
your help is appreciated.
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I'm trying to create an FTP helper class based on :
I want to pop open a progress window with a progress bar to show the progress of the FTP.
The problem as I understand WPF is if you start a long running process on the GUI thread then any attempted update to the GUI will not update, so you have to use a worker process.
All examples I have found for a progress update uses an asynchronous worker process, but that doesn't make sense.
How can I have a method that returns Boolean as to the success of the FTP if the worker process called is Async?
I don't want to tie up the GUI/UI thread but I also don't want the return to the client from the method call to happen until the process either succeeded or failed.
here is what I have...
/// <summary>
/// Interaction logic for ProgressBar.xaml
/// </summary>
public partial class ProgressBar : Window
public ProgressBar()
public class FTP
// private attributes
private ProgressBar pgbar;
private string HostName { get; set; }
private string UserName { get; set; }
private string Password { get; set; }
private string LocalFile { get; set; }
private string RemoteFile { get; set; }
private string RemoteDir { get; set; }
private int counter { get; set; }
private int total { get; set; }
// public properties
public bool OK { get; private set; }
// Constructor
public FTP() : this(new ProgressBar())
// Constructor with own ProgressBar
public FTP(ProgressBar pgb)
this.pgbar = pgb;
// download a file
public bool Get(string hostname, string username, string password, string localfilename, string remotefilename,
string remotedirectory, int counter = 1, int total = 1)
// set attributes for worker process
this.counter = counter;
this.total = total;
this.HostName = hostname;
this.UserName = username;
this.Password = password;
this.LocalFile = localfilename;
this.RemoteFile = remotefilename;
this.RemoteDir = remotedirectory;
// init progress
BackgroundWorker worker = new BackgroundWorker();
worker.WorkerReportsProgress = true;
worker.DoWork += FTP_Get;
worker.ProgressChanged += UpdateProgress;
[COLOR=#FCE94F] worker.RunWorkerAsync();
return this.OK;
private void InitProgress()
this.pgbar.Desc.Content = "Downloading " + this.counter + " of " + this.total + " (" + this.RemoteFile + ")";
this.pgbar.Progress.Value = 0;
this.pgbar.Perc.Text = "0%";
// FTP download helper
private void FTP_Get(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
using (FtpClient conn = new FtpClient())
conn.Host = this.HostName;
conn.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(this.UserName, this.Password);
conn.DataConnectionEncryption = true;
using (Stream istream = conn.OpenRead(Path.Combine(this.RemoteDir, this.RemoteFile)))
// istream.Position is incremented accordingly to the reads you perform
// istream.Length == file size if the server supports getting the file size
// also note that file size for the same file can vary between ASCII and Binary
// modes and some servers won't even give a file size for ASCII files! It is
// recommended that you stick with Binary and worry about character encodings
// on your end of the connection.
I haven't fully implemented the FTP code yet, but am stuck with understanding how I run a background worker, keeping the UI thread free so the progress bar works, but not retuning from the FTP.Put() method until the background work has finished?
I cannot see a "RunWorkerSynch" method, to run it synchronously, so am I using the wrong type of worker thread?
your help is appreciated.
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"If a shortcut was meant to be easy, it wouldn't be a shortcut, it would be the way!"
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