There are many books out there, AND just as many opinions on what is best. So instead of saying which is best (For every has their own personal favorites) I will just say that I like the "For Dummies" series of books on Windows 9x, and 2000. They are cheap(about$30 for the Win2K Pro) and EASY TO READ. Even though you are just begining I suggest the MCSE Windows 2000 Professional For Dummies. It has some good inside info that is easy to understand.
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To be honest, it all depends on your base knowledge anyway. If you are a experienced user of 98, then just play with Win2k Pro. Its not hugely different. Just tinker with it, unless its on a network, where I agree with butchrecon, and the dummies series.
If anybody wants a advanced look into Win2k server/pro, I strongly recommend any good MCSE book (about £30 - £50). I use the Global Knowledge Certification Press MCSE book. Does exam 40 - 240 in one book. (plus CD and a test yourself book)
Steve Hewitt
IT Administrator
God call Steve. Unfrotunatly I have noticed that a lot of members of this forum are like myself and dont have an extra $50 - $100 to spend on books. The Global Knowledge Certification Press MCSE book is an outstanding book to get your Win2K MCSE. Its just a little too salty. I am trying to get my MCSE at this time. I have taken and passed the Win98 test (Not part of the 2000 track) and the Win2K pro test. The other tests are mad more difficult from the lack of cheap study material. I am fortunate enough that I have a few spare parts around to put togeather a Win2K server system to learn AD. Any suggestions on Win2K server would be great. James Collins
Computer Hardware Engineer
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