Using CR9 - I am trying to get expenses per month for a pool of NoteID's. I am working on a Subreport which is located in the main report's group header (Grouped by { of date}. Here is how the subreport is setup now:
Group Header 1 {table.As of date}
Group Header 2 {table.expense paid date}
Details (supressed)
I have the following variable in Group Footer 3:
Shared Numbervar Exp;
Exp := Exp + sum({table.expenses amount}, {table.expense paid date}, "monthly");
I also have a reset variable for Exp in Group Header 1. The report is formatted for multiple columns because I need to show the Acquired date of the pool and the last four months. I am using the following formula in the record selection to get those dates:
((month({ of date}) = month({table.acquired date}) and
year({ of date}) = year({table.acquired date}))
(month({ of date}) >= month(DateAdd ("m", -4, CurrentDate))
and year({ of date}) >= year(DateAdd ("m", -4, CurrentDate))))
The test pool I am working with only had expenses in the months of 9/04, 10/04 & 11/04. Using the setup above, my results are just a repeat of the expenses for the inner group dates on the outer group dates. I need the subreport to show zero's for the months there weren't any expenses and show the expenses in the proper months incurred.
I think I just need a way to link the {table.expense paid date} and the { of date} within the report but everything I have tried so far hasn't worked. Please let me know if you have an idea.
Group Header 1 {table.As of date}
Group Header 2 {table.expense paid date}
Details (supressed)
I have the following variable in Group Footer 3:
Shared Numbervar Exp;
Exp := Exp + sum({table.expenses amount}, {table.expense paid date}, "monthly");
I also have a reset variable for Exp in Group Header 1. The report is formatted for multiple columns because I need to show the Acquired date of the pool and the last four months. I am using the following formula in the record selection to get those dates:
((month({ of date}) = month({table.acquired date}) and
year({ of date}) = year({table.acquired date}))
(month({ of date}) >= month(DateAdd ("m", -4, CurrentDate))
and year({ of date}) >= year(DateAdd ("m", -4, CurrentDate))))
The test pool I am working with only had expenses in the months of 9/04, 10/04 & 11/04. Using the setup above, my results are just a repeat of the expenses for the inner group dates on the outer group dates. I need the subreport to show zero's for the months there weren't any expenses and show the expenses in the proper months incurred.
I think I just need a way to link the {table.expense paid date} and the { of date} within the report but everything I have tried so far hasn't worked. Please let me know if you have an idea.