I have three UserForms in my Excel VBA Application. First Form is to select files to compare, second is some kind of progress bar, and third is to show when duplicated cells are found - it should let users choose which value is correct. When first duplicated cell is found everything is ok - user can choose the correct value, then after selecting value I'm doing UserForm.hide and Unload UserForm. But when next duplicated cell is found UserForm starts blinking and after a while I get error about stack overflow. If I'm not doing Unload UserForm I get error that Form can't be shown modaly, while it's already shown. Maybe I'm doing something wrong - before showing the Userform (third one) I'm adding some items to ListBox, but I suppose that it's not a problem. What am I doing wrong, that at the first time duplicated cell is found everything is ok, but with next one application crashes.