I am receiving the following errors when attempting to setup sudo from user A (temp1) to user B (oracle):
Sorry, user temp1 is not allowed to execute '/bin/su - oracle' as root host1
This happens with the following sudoers entry:
temp1 ALL=(oracle) NOPASSWD:ALL
This works only when I change sudoers to following:
But this would be a security threat because this user can then access all accounts even root. I wonder if pam or anything is causing this?
Sorry, user temp1 is not allowed to execute '/bin/su - oracle' as root host1
This happens with the following sudoers entry:
temp1 ALL=(oracle) NOPASSWD:ALL
This works only when I change sudoers to following:
But this would be a security threat because this user can then access all accounts even root. I wonder if pam or anything is causing this?