1. With the Basic Signon its working fine.
2. I configured for OS Signon, no problem in Login. When i logged out and clicked again for the login screen, it entered without asking passsword !!!
3. Situation is we have a website where the users are controlled by the underlying database. Is there anyway to map those users the Upfront/other cognos tools. Any news users/change in passwords in website(database) should be acknowledged/accepted by these products.
thanks an regards,
1. With the Basic Signon its working fine.
2. I configured for OS Signon, no problem in Login. When i logged out and clicked again for the login screen, it entered without asking passsword !!!
3. Situation is we have a website where the users are controlled by the underlying database. Is there anyway to map those users the Upfront/other cognos tools. Any news users/change in passwords in website(database) should be acknowledged/accepted by these products.
thanks an regards,