Dear All :
I need to manage the user accounts using telnet..
I mean I want to get a software to manage the users and the groups with the dialog style , so that I can open it using only telnet ,, because I have a need to not use HTTP for account managemenegt
Any Advise ,, I did test "[red]linuxconf[/red]" software , but it's not very good to apply users to the groups ..
Any other advises ?
Mohamed Farid
[green]Know Me No Pain , No Me Know Pain !!![/green]
I need to manage the user accounts using telnet..
I mean I want to get a software to manage the users and the groups with the dialog style , so that I can open it using only telnet ,, because I have a need to not use HTTP for account managemenegt
Any Advise ,, I did test "[red]linuxconf[/red]" software , but it's not very good to apply users to the groups ..
Any other advises ?
Mohamed Farid
[green]Know Me No Pain , No Me Know Pain !!![/green]