I have a Windows 2008 Termainal Server (TS) that is giving me a weird issue. After several TS logins by a user, their user account will lock out.
Error message in the TS event logs:
The terminal server cannot issue a client license. It was unable to issue the license due to a changed (mismatched) client license, insufficient memory, or an internal error. Further details for this problem may have been reported at the client's computer.
I do not see any errors at the client workstation.
I have also reinstalled the TS licenses and confirmed the license server can be reached.
If the server couldn't issue any TS CALs would it lock out the user account???
Error message in the TS event logs:
The terminal server cannot issue a client license. It was unable to issue the license due to a changed (mismatched) client license, insufficient memory, or an internal error. Further details for this problem may have been reported at the client's computer.
I do not see any errors at the client workstation.
I have also reinstalled the TS licenses and confirmed the license server can be reached.
If the server couldn't issue any TS CALs would it lock out the user account???