I have an ASP page that queries a database to returns POs issued based on criteria "date()", so only Entered today will be returned. Here is the SQL part of it:<br><br><%<br>If IsObject(Session("ASNDatabase_conn") Then<br> Set conn = Session("ASNDatabase_conn"<br>Else<br> Set conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection"<br> conn.open "ASNDatabase","",""<br> Set Session("ASNDatabase_conn" = conn<br>End If<br>%><%<br>If IsObject(Session("WebReport_For_RCC1_rs") Then<br> Set rs = Session("WebReport_For_RCC1_rs"<br>Else<br> sql = "SELECT [RCC 1].Vendor, [RCC 1].[ASN Issued Date], [RCC 1].[PO Number], [RCC 1].[Costumer Name], [RCC 1].[Method Used], [RCC 1].BOL FROM [RCC 1] GROUP BY [RCC 1].Vendor, [RCC 1].[ASN Issued Date], [RCC 1].[PO Number], [RCC 1].[Costumer Name], [RCC 1].DateEntered, [RCC 1].Status, [RCC 1].[Method Used], [RCC 1].BOL HAVING ((([RCC 1].DateEntered)=date() ) AND (([RCC 1].Status)='IN TRANSIT')) "<br> Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset"<br> rs.Open sql, conn, 3, 3<br> If rs.eof Then<br> rs.AddNew<br> End If<br> Set Session("WebReport_For_RCC1_rs" = rs<br>End If<br>%><br><br>I am new to ASP, so this maybe really easy for you: How to make this so I can have the user to imput the date, instead of useing "date()"???? Like a textbox in the page where the user will type the date and records for that date will return. I know in access u can just put "[]" in the query design, but how in ASP??????<br><br>Thanks a lot guys!!!