I've written a Crystal Report 8.5; my database is a .csv file I access using a MS Text Driver (.csv) ODBC connection. I can refresh the data from within Crystal reports with no problem. However, when I publish the report to an intranet page and access it with ActiveX, all users are prompted for a User ID and Password.
This is a .csv file and has no password. The ODBC connection has no opportunity to set a password. I've tried granting 'Full Control' to the folder in which the database resides, that doesn't help either.
Does anyone have a clue as to what it is looking for? Thanks.
This is a .csv file and has no password. The ODBC connection has no opportunity to set a password. I've tried granting 'Full Control' to the folder in which the database resides, that doesn't help either.
Does anyone have a clue as to what it is looking for? Thanks.