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user expire script

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Jun 7, 2007
I found this thread from TEK-TIP user Columb. I am real new to scripting and perl,(just figured how to spell it) and was wanting a little help in understanding this script and modfying it to not mail the users but mail me.
Here is the script:

#! /usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;

open FH, "/etc/passwd";
while (<FH>)
my ( $uname, undef, $uid ) = split /:/;
$uid > 100 and push @helpdesk, $uname;
close FH;
my @helpdesk = qw ;

my $exptime = 56
my $warntime = 42
my $secs_in_day = 60 * 60 * 24;
my $now = int ((time)/($secs_in_day));
my $host = `uname -n`;
chomp $host;

foreach my $user ( @helpdesk )
system "lsuser $user >/dev/null 2>&1" and (print STDERR "$user not on system\n
"), next;
my $chtime = `lssec -f /etc/security/passwd -s $user -a lastupdate`;
$chtime =~ s/^.*?=(\d+)/$1/;
$chtime or (print STDERR "$user has nver been updated\n"), next;
$chtime = int ($chtime/$secs_in_day);
$chtime = $now - $chtime;
$chtime < $warntime and next;
$chtime > $exptime and (system "echo Your password on $host has expired - Contact Unix support to reset | mail -s \"Password on $host\" \" $user\@mailserver"), next;
$chtime = 56 - $chtime;
system "echo Your password on $host will expire in $chtime days - please log i
n and reset it | mail -s \"Password on $host\" $user\@mailserver";

Thanks to all that take there time to help. I know that TIME is one of those valuable commodities that get taken advantage of!

Hi THEaix,

I'm not at all a Perl programmer but i was waiting for someone to help you and you seems to be desperate so i thought of contributing into this theard :)

To be able to modify this script i had to read how to declare new variables in Perl using this link:

#! /usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;

open FH, "/etc/passwd";
while (<FH>)
my ( $uname, undef, $uid ) = split /:/;
$uid > 100 and push @helpdesk, $uname;
close FH;
my @helpdesk = qw ;

my $exptime = 56
my $warntime = 42
my $secs_in_day = 60 * 60 * 24;
my $now = int ((time)/($secs_in_day));
my $host = `uname -n`;
my $email_user_name = 'khalid'
chomp $host;

foreach my $user ( @helpdesk )
system "lsuser $user >/dev/null 2>&1" and (print STDERR "$user not on system\n
"), next;
my $chtime = `lssec -f /etc/security/passwd -s $user -a lastupdate`;
$chtime =~ s/^.*?=(\d+)/$1/;
$chtime or (print STDERR "$user has nver been updated\n"), next;
$chtime = int ($chtime/$secs_in_day);
$chtime = $now - $chtime;
$chtime < $warntime and next;
$chtime > $exptime and (system "echo $user password on $host has expired - Contact Unix support to reset | mail -s \"Password on $host\" \" $email_user_name\@mailserver"), next;
$chtime = 56 - $chtime;
system "echo $user password on $host will expire in $chtime days - please log i
n and reset it | mail -s \"Password on $host\" $email_user_name\@mailserver";

I advice you for any future Perl questions to use this dedecated forum for Perl:

I hope you find my modification working as i don't have an aix box to try them!

Good luck.

Oh by the way, I forgot to mention that all you need to do with the above script is to change the vairable i created "my $email_user_name = 'khalid'" to include your email account and later in the script you need to change every occurance of @mailserver to your mail server.

For example this could be done as

my $email_user_name = 'THEaix'

and later you change the mail server to to @gmail.com

Which will construct THEaix@gmail.com as your email address.

Thanks for the help and the link. While I was waiting for someone I put this one together. What do you think?

You list the users email and it will mail them as well as sysadmin (root).

use strict;

# password expiration and warning interval

my $exptime = 56;
my $warntime = 42;

# list of users and their email addresses

my %emails =
'root' => 'walt.disney@dis.com',
'm.mouse' => 'mickey.mouse@dis.com',
'mn.mouse' => 'mini.mouse@dis.com',


# collect users from /etc/password and skip over those whose uid
# is less than 9

my @users;
open FH, "/etc/passwd";
while (<FH>)
my ($uname, undef, $uid) = split /:/;

$uid > 9 and
push @users, $uname;
close FH;

# do some calculations

my $secs_in_day = 60 * 60 * 24;
my $now = int ((time) / $secs_in_day);

my $host = `uname -n`;
chomp $host;

# process each user we found in /etc/password

my $admin = '';
foreach my $user (@users)

# check to see if user in /etc/passwd exists in /etc/security

$admin .= "$user not on system\n" and next
if system "lsuser $user >/dev/null 2>&1";

# obtain user's password last update timestamp (in seconds)

my $chtime = `lssec -f /etc/security/passwd -s $user -a lastupdate`;

# extract timestamp, or set to 0 if its empty.

$chtime =~ s/^.*?=(\d+)/$1/
or $chtime = 0;

# if user never changed password, then note the fact for administrator

$admin .= "$user has never been updated\n" and next
if !$chtime;

# convert date of last update from # of seconds into # of days

$chtime = $now - int ($chtime / $secs_in_day);

# if the password has not reached warning limit, then skip

if $chtime < $warntime;

# compute how many days until user's password expires

my $message = "$user password on $host will expire in ".
($exptime - $chtime)." days\n";

# if password already expired, then change message accordingly

$message = "$user password on $host has expired.\n"
if $chtime > $exptime;

# if the user have email address, then send the warning email message

if (exists $emails{$user})
$message .= "$user notified by email ".$emails{$user}."\n";
system "echo \"$message\" | mail -s \"Password on $host\" ".$emails{$user};

# append message to list of messages to send to administrator

$admin .= $message . "\n";

# at end send all of accumlated messages off to administrator

system "echo \"$admin\" | mail -s \"Passwords on $host\" ".$emails{'root'}
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