On my site there is an authentication on a directory and an other authentication on a subdirectory of the 1st directory.
When I first go on my site, I have to authenticate. OK ...Then, when I go to the Restricted directory, if my account is not in the retricted group, he asks me to re-authenticate ... But I'd like him to display the "/error message.htm" page define in "ErrorDocument 401" directive.
How can I do this ?...
Thanks in advance
An extract of my httpd.conf
# the home directory of my site
<Directory /applis/list/web/htdocs>
AuthName "mysite.com"
AuthType Basic
AuthDBMUserFile /applis/list/web/etc/users
require valid-user
<Directory /applis/list/web/htdocs/Restricted>
AuthName "mysite.com"
AuthType Basic
AuthDBMUserFile /applis/list/web/etc/users
authDBMGroupFile /applis/list/web/etc/users
require group restricted
ErrorDocument 401 /error message.htm
On my site there is an authentication on a directory and an other authentication on a subdirectory of the 1st directory.
When I first go on my site, I have to authenticate. OK ...Then, when I go to the Restricted directory, if my account is not in the retricted group, he asks me to re-authenticate ... But I'd like him to display the "/error message.htm" page define in "ErrorDocument 401" directive.
How can I do this ?...
Thanks in advance
An extract of my httpd.conf
# the home directory of my site
<Directory /applis/list/web/htdocs>
AuthName "mysite.com"
AuthType Basic
AuthDBMUserFile /applis/list/web/etc/users
require valid-user
<Directory /applis/list/web/htdocs/Restricted>
AuthName "mysite.com"
AuthType Basic
AuthDBMUserFile /applis/list/web/etc/users
authDBMGroupFile /applis/list/web/etc/users
require group restricted
ErrorDocument 401 /error message.htm