To preface this is my first post and I only do so to confirm my own suspicions based upon what I have found in my own searches for answers to my current problem.
Like most IT out there I am presented with older systems and software and expected to make it work without the ability to upgrade anything. We are currently using Goldmine Corporate Edition Ver 7.00.60526.
Our company has a policy that if a potential sales lead is off limits to other salespeople as long as the salesperson in question has maintained some form of contact with the lead in the last three months. The problem lies in the fact that the salespeople (potentially - until proven otherwise) have the ability to alter entries created by other salespeople. Removing the "edit tab folders" to the salespeople solves the issue but it also makes them unable to open the entries to view their content (unless I am mistaken and if I am please tell me). I have removed the "delete" option under contact record but upon testing it would appear that they are still able to delete entries in the history tabs so I'm not sure what this actually controls. I am hoping the section under user settings/access/access to others may hold the answer but none of the texts I have found seem to mention it's usage. (btw sorry if this seems to ramble but I'm typing this while also doing work). So if I am correct in assuming that this version is incapable of restricting access in this regard, Is there instead a built in function to allow for a running log of alterations of records? If this is also a no, is anyone aware of exactly how alterations are performed between Goldmine and SQL? So for instance if I was to edit an entry in the history tab and change the date that the entry occurred on, would it do this via a update string in SQL so that I could build a trigger to log any updates to conthist where createby <> lastuser?
Like most IT out there I am presented with older systems and software and expected to make it work without the ability to upgrade anything. We are currently using Goldmine Corporate Edition Ver 7.00.60526.
Our company has a policy that if a potential sales lead is off limits to other salespeople as long as the salesperson in question has maintained some form of contact with the lead in the last three months. The problem lies in the fact that the salespeople (potentially - until proven otherwise) have the ability to alter entries created by other salespeople. Removing the "edit tab folders" to the salespeople solves the issue but it also makes them unable to open the entries to view their content (unless I am mistaken and if I am please tell me). I have removed the "delete" option under contact record but upon testing it would appear that they are still able to delete entries in the history tabs so I'm not sure what this actually controls. I am hoping the section under user settings/access/access to others may hold the answer but none of the texts I have found seem to mention it's usage. (btw sorry if this seems to ramble but I'm typing this while also doing work). So if I am correct in assuming that this version is incapable of restricting access in this regard, Is there instead a built in function to allow for a running log of alterations of records? If this is also a no, is anyone aware of exactly how alterations are performed between Goldmine and SQL? So for instance if I was to edit an entry in the history tab and change the date that the entry occurred on, would it do this via a update string in SQL so that I could build a trigger to log any updates to conthist where createby <> lastuser?