I've been looking around here and noticed that there seems to be a lot of pretty novice programmers here in the VB discussion. I don't know if you've even read anything about the language before you started diving into it. There are a number of resources that I think come in handy.<br>I've been programming in basic since it's infancy, so I know all the little tricks of the trade that microsoft rolled over from the late dos versions of basic and qBasic. I have this old qBasic book that Microsoft wrote that explains everything in detail along with requirements and examples. No Microsoft has their MSDN Library which comes close, but isn't nearly has helpful as the old manuals they used to make. Even the ASCII table has changed a bit since the dos age. No one but true programmers know exactly what those boxes on the newer ASCII tables really are. And they only know what they are when the program is made for dos. But anyway, nothing is as good as it used to be, but I hope these can help somebody out there.<br><br><b>Microsoft's Developers Network Library</b><br>(Find references for virtually any language and Microsoft produce that's out today. Look in the Visual Studio and Books section for most of the Visual Basic content.)<br> <A HREF=" TARGET="_new"> Sites for VB Tips</i></b><br><br><b>The VB Accelerator</b><br> <A HREF=" TARGET="_new"> Helper</b><br> <A HREF=" TARGET="_new"> Wire</b><br> <A HREF=" TARGET="_new"> Development Exchange<br>The leading site for online information service for a number of languages including Visual Basic. This is a very useful site if you ask me. It's recommended by a number of my college professors.<br> <A HREF=" TARGET="_new"> you can find these sites useful. I surely do sometimes. I've been working on trying to learn DirectX/VB programming and although not exceeding very well, I find it useful to look at sites like devx and the msdn library for help. And for those of you who hate reading like I do, these sites have a lot of examples to use. I know I learned a lot by example, but if you want to really understand it, read it.<br><br>Laters,<br>Steve Kiehl<br><br><br>