I have a macro which searches a directory to see if a text file exists. If that file exists the user is then given an option of whether they wish to veiw the file. My code runs fine, except I don't know what command to use to open the text file in an outside program such as Notepad.
Here's the code which checks for existence and then shoudl open the file.
I bolded the line at which I'm having trouble. I don't get an error message as it is a valid command, it just doesn't do what I need it to do. Does anyone know what command I should be using? I browsed the help files and could find anything that would do what I'm wanting to do.
Here's the code which checks for existence and then shoudl open the file.
'Checks for comments file
MainPath = "P:\DATA\test_files"
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set fold = fs.GetFolder(MainPath)
Set f = fold.fileS
FilePath = MainPath & "\comments.txt"
If fs.FileExists(FilePath) = True Then
Response = MsgBox("Comments file found. Do you wish to view the file?", vbYesNo, "Commment File")
If Response = vbYes Then
[b]fs.OpenTextFile (FilePath)[/b]
End If
End If
I bolded the line at which I'm having trouble. I don't get an error message as it is a valid command, it just doesn't do what I need it to do. Does anyone know what command I should be using? I browsed the help files and could find anything that would do what I'm wanting to do.