- Apr 29, 2007
- 28
Prev ref: thread842-1267158
We have a situation where different office ids are added quite often, and against one office id, there is a date that the map needs to output. Historically, every time an office id is added, the map needs to be modified to take it into considerations.
In order to avoid these frequent map modifications, I attempted to dynamically define the resouce variable to indicate the office and the corresponding date within the map itself. I tried doing this by combining the officeid and another string. Eg: ES1HUBDT would be constructed from office id ES1 and the string HUBDT. I would define a variable in the resource registry as ES1HUBDT with a value say 20070314. Then I link the resource registry to the map using a configuration file. However, when I attempt to refer to %Office ID +HUBDT%, it does not resolve to %ES1HUBDT%.
I am not sure why this would not work as this looks quite logical to me.The item Office ID already has ES1 in it and it just needs to append HUBDT to it to construct %ES1HUBDT% resource variable.
Thereafter, I tried to access %ES1HUBDT% directly within a map rule. I found out that event his did not get resolved to 20070314.
I am using DataStage TX 8.0
Any help would be highly appreciated.
We have a situation where different office ids are added quite often, and against one office id, there is a date that the map needs to output. Historically, every time an office id is added, the map needs to be modified to take it into considerations.
In order to avoid these frequent map modifications, I attempted to dynamically define the resouce variable to indicate the office and the corresponding date within the map itself. I tried doing this by combining the officeid and another string. Eg: ES1HUBDT would be constructed from office id ES1 and the string HUBDT. I would define a variable in the resource registry as ES1HUBDT with a value say 20070314. Then I link the resource registry to the map using a configuration file. However, when I attempt to refer to %Office ID +HUBDT%, it does not resolve to %ES1HUBDT%.
I am not sure why this would not work as this looks quite logical to me.The item Office ID already has ES1 in it and it just needs to append HUBDT to it to construct %ES1HUBDT% resource variable.
Thereafter, I tried to access %ES1HUBDT% directly within a map rule. I found out that event his did not get resolved to 20070314.
I am using DataStage TX 8.0
Any help would be highly appreciated.