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Use NT Login to Allow/Block Access to Certain page

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Feb 2, 2003

I have a page that only certain users should view. Currently, I am able to get the NT login of the user trying to view the page:

Dim login ' user's NT login

login = Request.ServerVariables("LOGON_USER")
login = Right(login, (Len(login) - Trim(InStr(1,login, "\" , vbTextCompare))))

My plan is to have a static text file containing authorized users and get my code to compare the login against the text file. However, I am not having much luck.

Currently, I can not even get this to work:

If login = "john" then
End If

So if I login with an NT account of john and try to hit the page a login prompt pops up asking for my login creditals for the web server...if I enter the correct login, I am able to see the page...why is it doing this...

Any Help will be Appreciated....
Use the FileSystemObject to read and write to the text file.

Troubleshoot your problem this way by displaying the variable before your IF / END IF action.

Response.Write &quot;--- &quot; & login & &quot; ---<br>&quot;

If login = &quot;john&quot; then
End If

I use the --- just in case the variable is blank, then I will just see

--- ---

Otherwise you should see --- john --- or my guess is some variation of that.

Oh, just as I submitted I noticed a problem with your redirect statement. I think you want to remove the = sign.

Should just be..

Response.Redirect &quot;somepage.asp&quot;

Hey Tood, Great Catch! Thank you for the help. It works now, but now I want to compare the user's login against a text file.

The text file will look like this:


I know how to read from a text file (line by line), but how can I check if the user's login exists in the text file? If this was unix it would be a simple:

grep user_login authorized.txt

Any suggestions?
The script below should work for you... it will read through the text file line by line and if it finds that matching username will redirect to the unauhorized.html


login = Request.ServerVariables(&quot;LOGON_USER&quot;)
login = Right(login, (Len(login) - Trim(InStr(1,login, &quot;\&quot; , vbTextCompare))))

authfile = server.mappath(&quot;authorized.txt&quot;)
Set fs = CreateObject(&quot;Scripting.FileSystemObject&quot;)
Set thisfile = fs.OpenTextFile(authfile, 1, False)
counter = 0

Do While Not thisfile.AtEndOfStream
authname = thisfile.readline
if login = authname then
Response.Redirect &quot;unauthorized.html&quot;
end if

Set thisfile = Nothing
Set fs = Nothing
Hey Adam,

I came up with something similar before reading your post: (Mine is not as elegant as yours)

Const ForReading = 1
Const Create = False
Dim objFSO ' FileSystemObject
Dim TS ' TextStreamObject
Dim strLine ' local variable to store Line
Dim login_id ' user's NT login
Dim strFileName ' local variable to store fileName
Dim check ' auth check

login_id = Request.ServerVariables(&quot;LOGON_USER&quot;)
login_id = Right(login_id, (Len(login_id) - Trim(InStr(1, login_id, &quot;\&quot;, vbTextCompare))))

strFileName = Server.MapPath(&quot;auth.txt&quot;)

' Instantiate the FileSystemObject
Set objFSO = Server.CreateObject(&quot;Scripting.FileSystemObject&quot;)

' use Opentextfile Method to Open the text File
Set TS = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strFileName, ForReading, Create)

If Not TS.AtEndOfStream Then

Do While Not TS.AtendOfStream
strLine = TS.ReadLine
If login_id = strLine Then
End if

End If

If check<>1 then
Response.Redirect &quot;not_auth.html&quot;
End If
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