I'm trying to use a control to enter running times. I'd rather not use 3 separate textboxes for the hours, seconds and minutes. The datetimepicker has a time entry capability, but it forces AMPM. If I try to enter a custom time format it changes the datetimepicker style back to a date picker with dropdown calendar. Does anyone know how to use the time style of the datetimepicker without the AMPM? I resorted to shrinking the size of the control so that the AMPM is hidden, but I'd like to get rid of it altogether.
Well, You can try banging your head against the wall, but you just end up with lost-time injuries and damaged equipment. [M. Passman]
Well, You can try banging your head against the wall, but you just end up with lost-time injuries and damaged equipment. [M. Passman]