On the mainframe, an assembler listing can be included in the compiler-output.
It can be used to "educated guess" the impact of a choosen solution. You know: code a section like this, code anohter section like that, both with the same funcionaliy and count the number of assembler lines (= instructions more or less) to see wich is more efficient.
This way you can deal with nagging collegues "why can't I use a 'usage display' field for my subscript?"
Just code
and see for yourself.
Nothing new, right? To force another open door:
The use of MOVE CORR is very often not allowed. That is so obvious that even I understand that.
But, during development, dealing with large structures...
why do not code:
and compile.
In that same assembler listing you'll get an overview off all the fields which get moved. Copy/Paste is your friend
Do not forget to take the MOVE CORR out before giving the source to production.
It can be used to "educated guess" the impact of a choosen solution. You know: code a section like this, code anohter section like that, both with the same funcionaliy and count the number of assembler lines (= instructions more or less) to see wich is more efficient.
This way you can deal with nagging collegues "why can't I use a 'usage display' field for my subscript?"
Just code
add 1 to bad (i-usage-display)
add 1 to better (i-half-word-binay)
add 1 to best (i-indexed-by)
Nothing new, right? To force another open door:
The use of MOVE CORR is very often not allowed. That is so obvious that even I understand that.
But, during development, dealing with large structures...
why do not code:
move corr DCLGEN-level to OUTPUT-REC
In that same assembler listing you'll get an overview off all the fields which get moved. Copy/Paste is your friend
Do not forget to take the MOVE CORR out before giving the source to production.