I want to include the database App Title in a form.
I'm using VBA to enter a new Title, like this
I can't now get the data source right for a text box on the other form. Using dbs.Properties!AppTitle isn't allowed.
I'm using VBA to enter a new Title, like this
Dim obj As Object
Dim dbs As Object
Const conPropNotFoundError = 3270
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Set dbs = CurrentDb
'Change title bar.
dbs.Properties!AppTitle = InputBox("Version")
Forms!Switchboard.DBVersion = dbs.Properties!AppTitle
'Update title bar on screen.
Exit Sub
If Err.Number = conPropNotFoundError Then
Set obj = dbs.CreateProperty("AppTitle", dbText, "Contacts Database")
dbs.Properties.Append obj
End If
Resume Next
I can't now get the data source right for a text box on the other form. Using dbs.Properties!AppTitle isn't allowed.