Using CE RAS 9, we are able to generate a report using the Interactive viewer with the following code (edited for legibility):
Set ObjFactory = CreateObject("CrystalReports.ObjectFactory.2")
... other connection information ...
'Call the interactive viewer
<%@ Language=VBScript %>
'Create the Report Viewer object
Set HTMLViewer = CreateObject("CrystalReports.CrystalReportInteractiveViewer")
'Supply the viewer with information it needs and set any viewer attributes
With HTMLViewer
.ReportSource = Session("pathReport")
.DatabaseLogonInfos = Session("connectionInfos")
.IsOwnPage = True
.IsEnableDrillDown = True
.IsDisplayGroupTree = False
End With
'Display the report in the viewer
HTMLViewer.ProcessHttpRequest Request, Response
This works fine. How can we use the ActiveX viewer instead? Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated.
Set ObjFactory = CreateObject("CrystalReports.ObjectFactory.2")
... other connection information ...
'Call the interactive viewer
<%@ Language=VBScript %>
'Create the Report Viewer object
Set HTMLViewer = CreateObject("CrystalReports.CrystalReportInteractiveViewer")
'Supply the viewer with information it needs and set any viewer attributes
With HTMLViewer
.ReportSource = Session("pathReport")
.DatabaseLogonInfos = Session("connectionInfos")
.IsOwnPage = True
.IsEnableDrillDown = True
.IsDisplayGroupTree = False
End With
'Display the report in the viewer
HTMLViewer.ProcessHttpRequest Request, Response
This works fine. How can we use the ActiveX viewer instead? Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated.