I've got an HP 3055 printer with a duff LAN port. It also has a working USB port.
Originally I used a wireless bridge to connect the LAN port to my wireles network, until the port failed. I'm unable to get a replacement card for the printer. But, as the USB port still works I am seeking a way to use that port and connect it to a wireless device.
I thought about simply using a USB A to B converter, but after reading up on this I think I may have problems with power over the USB port.
Can I do this, is there a product which will allow me to connect the USB printer port to a wireless 802.11 hub etc?
Or should I simply ditch the printer and buy a new one!
Originally I used a wireless bridge to connect the LAN port to my wireles network, until the port failed. I'm unable to get a replacement card for the printer. But, as the USB port still works I am seeking a way to use that port and connect it to a wireless device.
I thought about simply using a USB A to B converter, but after reading up on this I think I may have problems with power over the USB port.
Can I do this, is there a product which will allow me to connect the USB printer port to a wireless 802.11 hub etc?
Or should I simply ditch the printer and buy a new one!