It's been a real long time since I've had a need for this and don't remember how to do it.
I've got a Windows 2003 SP2 box with a device attached via USB and another via it's Serial port. There are a couple of applications that run on that box that depend on those two devices. The applications work just fine when launched from the console, but it's a pain to have to run to the console each time to do something. So, I'm trying to get it working again so I can sign into that machine via remote desktop and both programs can see and use the USB and Serial device connected to it, even though I'm sign into the server from another machine. Right now, I sign via RDP and neither work since they can see the COM ports.
Does anyone recall how to do this?
I've got a Windows 2003 SP2 box with a device attached via USB and another via it's Serial port. There are a couple of applications that run on that box that depend on those two devices. The applications work just fine when launched from the console, but it's a pain to have to run to the console each time to do something. So, I'm trying to get it working again so I can sign into that machine via remote desktop and both programs can see and use the USB and Serial device connected to it, even though I'm sign into the server from another machine. Right now, I sign via RDP and neither work since they can see the COM ports.
Does anyone recall how to do this?