[ul][li]Is there a better way to do animation
or fast graphics manipulation besides
using BitBlt to & from created device
[li]In terms of memory consumption, and in
addition to the selected bitmap size,
what sort of overheads do these created
device contexts take up?[/li]
[li]In terms of CPU resources and disk access
times, would it be practical to restore &
delete each device context after use, and
then re-create and re-select objects when
needed again, even if these DCs are in
continous use throughout the app? (eg:
when used for bitmap animation sequences
like those in animated GIFs)[/li][/ul]
Resource Conscious
or fast graphics manipulation besides
using BitBlt to & from created device
[li]In terms of memory consumption, and in
addition to the selected bitmap size,
what sort of overheads do these created
device contexts take up?[/li]
[li]In terms of CPU resources and disk access
times, would it be practical to restore &
delete each device context after use, and
then re-create and re-select objects when
needed again, even if these DCs are in
continous use throughout the app? (eg:
when used for bitmap animation sequences
like those in animated GIFs)[/li][/ul]
Resource Conscious